Unbroken DVDThe highly acclaimed film Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie that tells the inspirational story of Louis Zamperini hits DVD on March 24, 2015.

At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Louis Zamperini won a personal meeting with Adolf Hitler, who complimented his fast finish. In 1941, Zamperini enlisted in the United States Air Force. He was deployed to the Pacific, where his plane received heavy damage during combat. He was assigned to another aircraft and told to search for missing crews, but the plane crashed due to a mechanical failure. Most of the men died during the crash, but Zamperini survived for 47 days on a raft before being captured. Zamperini spent the rest of the war in Japanese internment camps.

Angeling with Louie OconnellThe story retells the struggles and triumphs that Zamperini endured during his journey in life. The film lets the world see the perseverance that Zamperini possessed and the challenges that he withstood. Above all Zamperini will serve as inspiration to anyone and everyone who has ever faced adversity, to anyone who has ever felt challenged in life and to anyone who needs a glimmer of hope. It’s a story of forgiveness and the reality of moving on to make your mark in the future. Be sure to check out this life-changing film.

For more information on the Academy Award nominated film Unbroken click here

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