The film “Woodlawn” is based on the true story surrounding the Woodlawn High School football team in Birmingham, Alabama during the 1970s when the first African American in the city made his debut. Running back Tony Nathan stepped onto the field with a cold welcome. But with the help of Nathan, the team made headlines for winning and combating racism that warmed the hearts of residents.
“I am excited to see what people think about it. I think it will provide some answers for those issues. The film addresses race at its core when it was nasty,” Caleb Castille said who makes his first acting appearance as Tony Nathan.
“The way to solve these issues is peace, love and forgiveness. If we can implement these things I think we will see a better society. I pray people will find answers through the message of the film,” he said.
One of six siblings, Castille is part of a rich football heritage as his father and two brothers played for the legendary Crimson Tide. He would continue his family tradition by attending Alabama University, and landed a cornerback position helping the team win two consecutive championships. Castille has acting in his blood, however, and quit the team, before he graduated.
Admittedly, he doesn’t miss football.
“I really just wanted to do something different in life—a different way of impacting people, using other gifts, talents and use it for the right reasons,” Castille said, who was initially cast to play an understudy for the original actor.
Castille is taking his fame all in stride as he shared one of his favorite Scriptures. He quoted Joshua 1:9. “Be strong and courageous.”
With the country so divided, we need to show strength, courage, and unity. Let’s take a cue from Castille.