Gage Skidmore |
Gage Skidmore |

Chris Pratt has become known for his outspoken Christian faith almost as much as his portrayal of Marvel’s loveable rouge, Star-Lord, in “Guardians of the Galaxy.” In his latest show of devotion, Pratt announced that he was going to spend the first part of 2019 doing what has become known as the Daniel Fast.

“Hi, Chris Pratt here,” the Marvel and “Jurassic World” star said on Instagram. “Day three of the Daniel Fast, check it out. It’s 21 days of prayer and fasting. It’s going to coincide also coincidentally with the ‘Lego  Movie 2’ junket, so by the time you see me, I’ll probably be hallucinating. Stay tuned.”

The Daniel Fast is said to be inspired by foods eaten by the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament. Those taking part in the fast are allowed to eat any fruits or vegetables that they wish so long as they are free of chemicals and added sugars. Whole grains, nuts and seeds are also allowed, as are legumes such as black beans, lentils and split peas. Participants can only drink “pure waters” such as spring or distilled water. The only marginally processed items that those doing the Daniel Fast can consume are “quality oils including but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut and sesame,” spices, seasonings and soy products such as tofu. All meat and animal products, including dairy and eggs, are forbidden as are all forms of sweeteners including natural sweeteners such as honey and molasses. Leavened bread, including Ezekiel Bread, fried foods, white rice, high fat foods, alcohol, tea and coffee should all be removed from participants’ diets as well.

The diet is popular with Christians at the beginning of the year and acts as a spiritual and physical cleanser to help start the new year with a blank slate and a focus on God. The fasting plan’s website states that the diet acts as a “pause button” that keeps “life” at bay “so you can draw nearer to God.”

Assuming Pratt manages to get all his essential nutrients and enough raw calories, he should not be hallucinating at the ‘Lego Movie 2’ junket. If he is, well, the interview should be interesting.

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