An Incomplete Education is Radiant Studios’ first short-form series that follows the story of Preston (Dylan Walsh) and Rachel (Paloma Rabinov), a father-daughter duo, as they fight to stay alive after a viral pandemic strikes the world. As their story unfolds, viewers will watch as the pair maneuvers through what’s left of the world they once knew with hopes of keeping humanity’s best ideas alive.
The powerful conversations shared between Preston and Rachel reveal life lessons that go beyond their current circumstances.“People are dangerous. What I’m giving you is what matters. These ideas have to survive,” Preston shares with his daughter.
An Incomplete Education attests to the powerful connection the father/daughter relationship carries and brings warmth to a very dark situation.
“If I’m going to be the carrier of human knowledge for future generations, I omit country music,” Rachel jokes.
As the uncertainties of the current pandemic continue to remain at the forefront of the world’s attention, An Incomplete Education is a timely series that will remind viewers of what’s truly important in life.
Radiant’s goal is to provide high-quality, uplifting content for millennials. Be sure to watch the series on Radiant’s YouTube Channel.
Check out the trailer for An Incomplete Education below.