
Former baseball star Darryl Strawberry spends less time focusing on baseball and more time focusing on God these days.

The eight-time All-Star and three-time World Series champion spends most of the time traveling the country as a pastor, MSN reports.

His life is much different than it was when he was playing baseball. During those years, he battled colon cancer twice, along with drug and alcohol addiction.

In a recent interview with the Daily News, Strawberry opened up about his faith.

He recently wrote the book “Turn Your Season” to talk about the transformation that took place in his life that led him to minister the gospel.

“Well, it’s just a lot that led me to writing that,” Strawberry said. “First of all, I didn’t really want to write it because I’ve written books before. I just felt like everybody knows my baseball and my autobiography.”

“They know about me, but they don’t know the transformation of my life that has been really the greatest gift I’ve ever received — better than baseball or anything — to have a platform. To be an evangelist, like I am now, and travel the country 250 times a year, and standing in front of thousands of people and ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ,” he said.

The book is about turning your season and how God transformed him in the process, he said.

“When I was a baseball player, I had my downfalls and troubles, but nobody ever talks about the transformation I’ve had in my life over the last 17 years and what I’ve actually done,” Strawberry said.

“I think this book was to draw readers into understanding how my life really got changed and transformed. This book is the complete transformation of who I am today and what I do and why I do it, and why I help so many people. I’ve been put on a bigger platform now than I ever had as a baseball player,” he said.

Strawberry’s baseball journey involved a lot of pressure and challenge that he had to overcome. His faith helped him overcome many of these challenges, along with his mother.

“My mother was a very faithful woman. She prayed for me when I was a complete heathen in playing Major League Baseball and loss,” Strawberry said. “She was praying for me and my brothers and sisters. She covered us, and it just came to pass. What she wanted me to be, I am today.”

“ If not for her cheering me on like she did when I was playing baseball, she was cheering me on for life, to have a transformation in life, and become faithful,” Strawberry said. “I can imagine what she’s thinking right now, ‘Look at my son, he’s standing in front of 10,000 people preaching the gospel…”

Since the pandemic started, Strawberry has still been able to reach many people through his ministry and give people a sense of hope.

“I’ve been able to do a lot of things online, just like everybody else, and reach a multitude of people through the internet. It’s just a time of bringing hope,” Strawberry said.

Strawberry played 17 seasons in Major League Baseball for the Mets, Dodgers, and Yankees.

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