The Robertson family gained fame and skyrocketed to success when their series Duck Dynasty premiered on A&E in 2012. They were not strangers to wealth as the family had a successful family business before the cameras started rolling.

They have also had a fair share of obstacles that many members of the family have faced from addiction to depression and even infidelity. Overcoming adversity is already a challenge by itself but throw in cameras that put a spotlight on your family for the world to dissect and you have got dysfunction and chaos.

Phil Robertson started whittling duck calls which turned out to be far superior to anything that could be found in stores. Thus launching Phil’s Duck Commander Company in 1973. Launching that business was also challenging as success was not met right away, Phil had to convince retailers that his duck call was the must-have for shoppers, he only made $8,000 the first year.

It was also in the 70s when Phil turned to God after living what he called reckless in Louisiana. In an interview with Fox News, Robertson stated “Until I was 28 I didn’t have any faith,” Robertson told Fox News. “Here I am biblically speaking — God said I was under the control of the evil one. I didn’t know that. I was just getting high and drunk with the worst of them. … I had built a track record that was not a good one. I then realized, ‘What was I thinking? All that mischief and carrying on.’ … I came to know Jesus. I looked up one day and I said, ‘Man, I’m driven to do this. I have to do it.’”

Phil went on to publish a book titled “The Theft of America’s Soul” which was described by Phil as a “prophetic wake-up call” for Americans looking to find peace and unity in Christianity. During his mid-twenties, he faced temptation as many others do and finally accepted God as his savior. He remains dedicated to his faith and speaks every year to hundreds of churches in hopes of helping others become a better person to which he believes is his true purpose in life.

Phil had numerous contracts with popular outdoor retailers though by the time A&E’s cameras started rolling for Duck Dynasty. Willie Robertson, Phil’s son, would be involved with the family business and would eventually become president of the company. He would also move to create the Buck Commander Brand which was a ‘hunting DVD and gear company dedicated to his love of duck hunting.” It may surprise you, but the family was worth millions before their hit series ever aired.

The family took advantage of the opportunities that came along with their television debut and created licensing deals that included greeting cards, clothing, books, and exclusive outdoor gear which only added to the family’s net worth.

In the new 8-part series from I Am Second viewers get a second chance to see the Robertson’s again with interviews spanning from the last 8 years. The series will feature Phil Roberson, kay Robertson, Al Robertson, Lisa Robertson, Jep Robertson, Reed Robertson, and Phil’s daughter Phyllis Robertson Thomas. While the reality series captured a lot of Robertson drama, the new series will take viewers on a deeper dive into the struggles the family faced while giving them ‘hope that change is possible.’

 I Am Second Vice President John Humphrey stated in a news release that “Due to the unique opportunity of capturing three generations of Robertsons, we feel there is a strong narrative of how the love of Jesus and the restoration of souls has been passed through the Robertson family. Watching the series, we walk through the lives of the family, beginning with Phil and Kaya and most recently finding its way to Phil’s newly found daughter Phyllis.”

Watch the trailer for Dysfunction to Dynasty here.

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