Kanye West has been in the news a lot lately. First, with his divorce from Kim Kardashian, then going after Kardashian’s new love interest Pete Davidson, causing him to delete his Instagram account. West has set his eyes on new targets: Kardashian’s mother, Kris Jenner, and her boyfriend, Corey Gamble. Kanye posted a rant about Gamble, insinuating that he and Kris were no longer together, saying, “God has a plan to remove the Godless Corey needed to never be here anyway.” However, it didn’t stop there. West says that Gamble is a nice person but not a great person. He described Gamble as becoming the TV version of a father figure.

West seems to have a problem with Gamble over muscling in on Kim Kardashian, saying, “He once told my wife he knew what music she should be listening to. So when I seen him a week later, I had him removed from my daughter’s birthday party.” He also blames Gamble for pushing Kim’s political affiliation to the left, adding, “He got my wife linked with the liberals in a deep way. That was his job. For some reason, I always felt he worked for DuPont or some organization in that pedigree.”

kanye west
Courtesy: Getty Images

Finally, West dismissed Gamble, saying, “Now he’s off to his next mission. His job is done.” As far as Kris Jenner, West had nothing but good things to say about her, saying, “It’s on purpose I love Kris. This woman is a hero, and she’s done what she’s had to do to protect her family and make sure they prosper, even if it meant telling everyone not to listen to me. I respect her grind, her hustle, and her mind. Kris is one of the best to do it.”

This love declaration is far from when West referred to Jenner as a “white supremacist” and called her “Kris Jong-Un” during one of his summer 2020 Twitter rants. Perhaps West is trying to get back in Kris’ good graces as a way to win back his estranged wife, as he recently objected to many of her divorce demands and continues to bash her current boyfriend, Pete Davidson. Since West’s rant, a source close to Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble says that the couple is still going strong, and West’s assessment of Gamble as a Godless man is unfair, as Gamble is and has always been a man of God.

Ironically, West was seen shopping in Miami this week with a new love interest that looked a lot like his ex-wife. Meanwhile, his ex-wife is filing paperwork to declare a single woman. Kim says that West’s social media posts have caused her emotional distress, telling a judge that she very much desires to be divorced. We may never know the reason why Kanye West continues to lash out. However, we know that his posts are causing emotional agony to Kim Kardashian. Some people may look at West’s rants as entertainment, but we must remember that these are real people dealing with real issues.

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