In an almost six-minute video, Will Smith broke his silence about the unfortunate “slap heard around the world,” in which he hit Oscar presenter Chris Rock after he made fun of Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. This incident happened just before Smith was awarded the Best Actor Oscar honors.

The apology was expected, and Smith did in the form of answering questions brought up on the internet. There was an expectation that Smith might choose a high-profile TV interview for his apology with Oprah Winfrey or on a late-night talk show. However, he decided to sit and calmly answer questions on social media.

The first question asked why Smith didn’t apologize to Rock during his acceptance speech. Smith replied, “I was fogged out by that point. It is all fuzzy. I’ve reached out to Chris, and the message that came back is that he’s not ready to talk. When he is, he will reach out. I will say to you, Chris, I apologize to you. My behavior was unacceptable, and I am here whenever you are ready to talk.”

Smith also apologized to Rock’s family and brother Tony, saying, “I want to apologize to Chris’s mother. I saw an interview [she] did, and that was one of the things I just didn’t realize. I wasn’t thinking, but how many people got hurt in that moment. I want to apologize to Chris’ mother, and I want to apologize to Chris’s family, specifically Tony Rock. We had a great relationship. Tony Rock was my man. This is probably irreparable. I spent the last three months replaying and understanding the nuance and complexity of what happened in that moment. I’m not going to try to unpack all of that right now, but I can say to all of you, there is no part of me that thinks that was the right way to behave in that moment. No part of me that thinks that is the optimal way to handle a feeling of disrespect or insult.”

Smith addressed whether his wife encouraged his decision to run up to the stage from his front row seat to strike a stunned Rock in the middle of his presentation of the Best Documentary award. Smith replied, “No. I made a choice on my own, from my own experience and my history with Chris. Jada had nothing to do with it. I’m sorry, babe, and I want to say sorry to my kids and family for the heat I brought on us.”

He also apologized to the nominees whose Oscars went unnoticed because viewers were shocked by the slap. That included Jessica Chastain, who won Best Actress, and the cast of CODA, which won Best Picture. Smith ended the video with this message, “Two things. One, disappointing people is my central trauma. I hate when I let people down, so it hurts me psychologically and emotionally that I didn’t live up to people’s image and impression of me.”

Smith continued, “The work I am trying to do is I am deeply remorseful and trying to be remorseful without being ashamed of myself. I’m human, and I made a mistake. I’m trying not to think of myself as a piece of [expletive], so I would say to those people, I know it was confusing, I know it was shocking, but I promise you I am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world. If you hang on, I promise we will be able to be friends again.”

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