Newsboys frontman Michael Tait has spent years in the music industry, finding success and doling out inspiration along the way. His most recent project, “I Believe in Christmas,” is a collection of Christmas songs aimed at encouraging the masses.
He recently sat down with CBD Digital to talk about the project, his music career, and how he came to faith. The 57-year-old musician said he’s learned a plethora of lessons during his years of performing on stage and professionally creating music. He said, “One big thing I’ve learned is just to stay true to who you are when you’re doing what you do.” As far as what’s kept Tait going for so long in the music industry, he credited the “power of the Almighty God,” stating he believes his music gets more potent and more creative as he ages.
The singer also shared details about the origins of his faith journey, noting he was “late” to fully accept Christ despite his father being a pastor. Tait said, “Dad was also a cab driver, so he drove cabs, and they preached church on Sunday. If you got in my dad’s cab, there was a good chance you were going to be saved in more ways than one.” He said he was 17 or 18 years old when a preacher came to his school and spoke about the “subject of hell, and how real hell is, and how beautiful heaven is.”
The singer said, “He preached on what preachers don’t preach about much anymore,” the singer said. “You can’t get saved on the back of your dad or your mom; it’s not osmosis. It’s a thing we have to be one-on-one with God. I got fired up that day, man — pun intended. I got fired up, and I went forward for prayer, and I accepted God for myself as my Savior that day in high school.”
Like any Christian, Tait said he has had his “moments” throughout his journey with Jesus, noting, “We’re sinners saved by grace,” but he said God has been faithful to him throughout his life, adding, “When I’ve been grossly unfaithful, He keeps bringing me back to the cross.”