dog the bounty hunter
Kathy Hutchins/

After years of being a bounty hunter and exposing himself to the depths of human depravity, Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, is confident of two things: spiritual warfare is real, and so are redemption and hope through Christ alone. The 71-year-old New York Times bestselling author and TV personality told The Christian Post, “I have arrested and seen men that would do terrible things to little children as young as 6 months old. That is demonic possession. That is evil at its max. It’s not, ‘He was drunk,’ ‘He was a bad guy.’ No, that stuff grows and grows; they keep doing worse and worse.”

He continued, “You flip a coin on the other side, and if there is that much evil — and we all know there is, just look at the news — then there’s got to be supernatural power and that much good. Even an atheist believes that. I try to explain what that supernatural power is and how to tap into it and live a happier life, knowing that you’re going to Heaven. I say, ‘What if I’m wrong? And what if there is no God, and your soul just dies? You live and learn and die and forget it all? What if that happens?’ Then, oh, well. But what if there is a God? And what if the Bible is the Word of God? What if that’s real? And you may not believe in Hell, but you’ll be there five minutes, and you will. The Bible says it’s written in everyone’s heart that there’s a God.”

Chapman’s faith has caused a shift in his mission over the years, from capturing fugitives to reaching out to the marginalized and spiritually lost. “I’ve arrested over 10,000 fugitives in my career, but I’m more famous for the backseat ride and the conversations that happen there,” he said, referring to his efforts to turn criminals towards faith. Chapman’s desire to share Christ’s hope with the lost compelled him to write his third and latest book, Nine Lives and Counting: A Bounty Hunter’s Journey to Faith, Hope, and Redemption. Written with his wife, Francie, the book focuses not only on his escapades as a bounty hunter but also on his deep spiritual journey and the personal challenges he has faced over the years, from being in a motorcycle gang and incarcerated in the ‘70s to becoming a widely-known TV star.

In his book, Chapman recounts numerous instances where he believes God intervened directly in his life — from saving him from death to preserving his reputation. He points to these experiences as evidence of his “nine lives” and the foundation for the book’s title. “The Bible says, ‘In the last days of before Jesus comes, I will pour out my spirit.’ You’re seeing it in sports, pastors and politics. So many guys and girls are confessing their faith. God’s Spirit is pouring out on all flesh, the Bible says, and that includes me. The pouring of God’s Spirit is out there. I try to explain in my words what that means.”

Today, Chapman shares his story of redemption worldwide and leads the Light Up the Darkness ministry with his wife. As Nine Lives and Counting hits the shelves, he told CP his message is clear: no struggle is too great to overcome, and often, a change in perspective can be the key to seeing God’s hand in one’s life. “I think that if people realize how good they’ve got it, you can always overcome the bad things,” he said. “You can always do that, of course, with prayer, asking God, counseling … I think there’s a way out of everything through the supernatural.” Nine Lives and Counting is now available.

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