kel mitchell
Club Shay Shay/YouTube

Actor and pastor Kel Mitchell claims he discovered that his ex-wife hexed him during an hourlong prayer session where he was exorcised of multiple demons by an evangelist after they finally ended the relationship he described as “toxic.” The 90s pop culture icon, known for his roles in “All That” and “Kenan and Kel,” made the revelation during an interview on Shannon Sharpe’s “Club Shay Shay” podcast.

In the almost two-hour interview, Mitchell, who also serves as the youth pastor at Spirit Food Christian Center in Winnetka, California, detailed how his ex-wife cheated on him with multiple men and was impregnated by these men at least twice. He said the impact of the relationship, combined with other personal tragedies in his life at the time, made him contemplate suicide in 2004. Mitchell revealed that before that low point in his life, he had experienced the murder of two of his uncles. He and his ex-wife had also decided to abort a pregnancy during the early stage of their relationship.

Soon after that, she got pregnant again, and they got married. According to public records, Mitchell and his ex-wife were married from 1999 to 2005 and have two children together. Mitchell told Sharpe, “We had the abortion. But then we had [another] baby. And she ended up telling me that the baby that was aborted wasn’t mine, and so within that process, you are immediately married within a lie already.” He said that his wife became pregnant at another difficult time from another man during their relationship, and he stayed in an attempt to keep his family together, but it didn’t work.

In a number of videos shared on TikTok and Instagram, Mitchell’s ex-wife denied his claims. She denied the pregnancy claims in one video and accused him of having a selective memory. She alleges that he was sexually abused by people in the entertainment industry and described Mitchell as a “sex addict” during their relationship. She claimed she once caught him “with a man. Mitchell said after his relationship fell apart, he found a church in Canada and rededicated his life to God. He went back to Los Angeles after that and started the process of divorcing Hampton, which he described as “very traumatic.” In response to the divorce and finding himself a single man again, Mitchell said he went a bit “crazy” with different relationships, which wasn’t satisfying.

He said, “I got to a point after being in other relationships that was wild, and it was like, ‘Yo, Kel, maybe you should take some time to learn to love yourself and find out who you really are because you’ve been adulting within the limelight this entire time and now is a time where you need to have a relationship with God.’ The actor recalls pitching a movie to Cedric the Entertainer and starting work on it with other actors, including Chico Benymon, whose mother is an evangelist. He said Benymon once got him and other actors together for prayer with his mom, and that’s when he experienced deliverance from multiple demons.

He recalled, “She [evangelist] started praying over us. There was this moment where everybody just started spitting up, throwing up. It was like a really exorcist type of moment.” It was at this moment that Mitchell said the evangelist told him that his ex-wife had “done some things as far as like putting a hex on you.” Mitchell said the evangelist told him to say the “blood of Jesus” as she prayed over him. And when he did, he said spiritual things started happening. He said, “I’m spitting up, and within that process, I’m getting reconnected to the Lord in a very spiritual way.”

Mitchell continued, “In this moment now, all my friends are here, … they’re seeing me and what is happening. Within this process, demons start like literally speaking out their name. I’m saying their names out loud, but they’re coming out of my body. Each one is saying who they are, so imagine I’m watching this as this is happening to me.”

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