gabby douglas
Leonard Zhukovsky/

Three-time Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas recently withdrew from competition at the U.S. gymnastics championships in Fort Worth, Texas, mentioning an ankle injury she suffered while training. The injury ended Douglas’ bid to make the 2024 Paris Olympics team after an eight-year hiatus. At 28 years old, Douglas would’ve been the oldest American woman to compete in gymnastics at the Olympics since 1952. Despite the injury, Douglas said she’s proud of what she accomplished over her 18-month comeback.

She told ESPN, “I love this sport, and I love pushing my limits. I hope I can inspire both my peers and the next generation of gymnasts that age is just a number and you can accomplish anything you work hard for.” A two-time Olympian, Douglas became the first Black gymnast to win the Olympic all-around title at the 2012 London Games and helped the U.S. earn back-to-back team golds in London and in Rio in 2016.


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Douglas previously announced her return to the sport and hinted at the possibility of competing in the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics on social media. She wrote, “Hey guys long time no post. As you all know, I stepped back from the socials, and in that time, I did a lot of journaling, reflecting, soul searching and found myself back where it all began.” She continued, “It’s so easy to suppress and run away from facing darkness and fears. For many years, I’ve had an ache in my heart, but I didn’t want to keep carrying anger, pain, sadness, or regret, and through my tears and hurt, I’ve found peace.

Douglas explained, “I wanted to find the joy again for the sport that I absolutely love doing. I know I have a huge task ahead of me, and I am beyond grateful and excited to get back out on the floor and even more grateful for all of your support and love. It truly means so much to me. There’s so much to be said, but for now, let’s do this.”

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