Anne Wilson /
Grammy-nominated Christian singer Anne Wilson recently released a new album blending contemporary Christian music with mainstream country stylings and a theme stressing that Christians are seen as “rebels” in society, just like Jesus. “Rebel” was released and billed as a “bold, genre-defying new album.” The 22-year-old hopes the title track, “Rebel,” will inspire others to…

Mucho Mas Releasing
After years in the film industry, Dennis Quaid has seen firsthand how Hollywood can be out of touch with what audiences want to see on screen. The 70-year-old actor told The Christian Post, “Sometimes I feel like Hollywood’s kind of lost its way a little bit.” He’s hoping his new movie, “The Long Game,” a…

Cubs-Pitcher-American-Flag-01: Cubs Baseball / YouTube
Cubs relieving pitcher Luke Little was called into Wednesday’s game against the Houston Astros and experienced an unforeseen hiccup. “The issue was the American flag was on his glove. Pitchers’ gloves, they’re pretty strict about not having white on the pitchers’ gloves,” said Cubs manager Craig Counsell. “Apparently, the flag had what could be a…

@kristenlouelle / Instagram
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Pass recently publicized LA4LA during a State of the City address when she called on the “most fortunate” to contribute “personal, private sector and philanthropic funds” to combat the homeless crisis in the city. The campaign pleads for wealthy Californians to offer funds so city officials can move the over 40,000…

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