poodle moth
The Masked Singer/YouTube

The face behind “The Masked Singer’s” Poodle Moth has been revealed. Season 11’s episode 10 of the singing competition recently aired, and views were in for a treat. After the judges placed their guesses and the crowd chanted, “Take it off,” the fuzzy white moth was revealed to be none other than “This is Us” star Chrissy Metz. Speaking of her experience on the show, Metz said, “When I watched the show, and I would see either my friends or peers on the show, I’m like, how do they do it? And it was harder than I thought.”

She added, “I knew it was gonna be like trying because it’s enough to just stand on the stage and sing. But like to put on a massive costume, to not really know where you’re going and to be led by people in front of the live audience and lights and all that, there’s a lot of pressure. And of course, because I am a singer, and I love music, I want to do well. I don’t want to fall on my face. Even up until, like the last episode, I was like, I don’t know if I could do this. This is difficult. I don’t think people realize, but you just keep pushing through, and you just prepare as much as you can and then try to have as much fun as you can.”


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In a discussion about her experience with Variety, Metz talked about her favorite performance on the show. She said, “’ The House That Built Me,’ by Miranda Lambert, because it was personal. It’s one of my favorite Miranda songs; I can really relate to that song. Especially because, most recently, we were my family was renovating my childhood home, and they were going to sell it. So it was very timely.”  Metz has been one of the top contestants this season but unfortunately lost to Gumball this week. In an interview with People, she shared that the experience taught her to give herself grace and enjoy the process.

Metz explained, “Just pushing through the fear or the doubt or the worry and showing up for myself. Obviously, in a healthy way, but in a way that I could have grace around it and not judge myself if I missed a note or if it was imperfect. I’m like, ‘This is hard. This is challenging.’ And just also enjoying it.  I’m a perfectionist, and so sometimes, there are things that are out of my control, and sometimes, the lesson is just letting go and just being present and just enjoying yourself.”

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