danny gokey
Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock.com

Christian songwriter and singer Danny Gokey took to Instagram recently to uplift and pray for his audience. The “Stay Strong” singer started by encouraging people to stop striving and trust in God. Gokey said, “Hey, guys, I just want to say a quick prayer for you. I don’t know what you’re walking through or what you’re going through, but here’s what I know. That the Good Shepherd, Jesus, is on your side. And no matter where you are, He’s leading you in good and green pastures. He wants to give rest to your soul. So today, cease from striving.”

Then, Gokey prayed for everyone. He said,  Father, in the name of Jesus, I just ask that you would pour out your blessing, which you’ve already done on the cross, pour out your blessing on them. Let their hearts be open to receive it, God. May they cease from striving, may they be still and know that you are God. God, may they understand that because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, that you’re supplying all their needs. No longer is it ‘gotta do, gotta do, gotta do.’ I just receive by faith the provision. I receive by faith the healing. Because God, your Son, paid the price for salvation. It’s no longer works lest any man can boast. And I pray that people walk in rest and receive their identity through you. Stop striving and be blessed and walk in favor in the name of Jesus.”

Fans commented with thankfulness for the prayer. “Amen! Thank you, Danny, for this beautiful reminder of God’s covenant for us all!” one user said. Another person responded, “Thank you for your powerful prayer, Danny. Perfect timing, praise Jesus!” Gokey got his start on “American Idol” and since then has inspired the world with positive and faith-filled music. CHVN Radio reported that Gokey will release a new album this summer.


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“Sound of Heaven, which features eleven brand new songs, will be Gokey’s fifth studio album. ‘The phrase ‘Sound of Heaven,’ and each of the songs on this album, will mean different things to different people in different places of life, and I believe that each of these songs communicate the hopeful messages of heaven in ways that will speak to people – whatever their season of life,’ Gokey shared,” per CHVN Radio.

The singer announced on Facebook that the album is set to release on all platforms on July 26. Gokey also took to Instagram to share an encouraging message about Mental Health Awareness Month. The singer began, “If you struggle with heavy emotions, with depression, oppression, trauma, whatever it might be, there is a solution in God’s word that maybe you haven’t seen before, and I want to share it with you.”

He then read a scripture in the Bible that addresses our minds. “2 Corinthians 10:5 says, ‘We demolish arguments and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ,’” he read.

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