jonathan roumie
Ivanhoe Garibay/

The actor who plays Jesus in the hit series “The Chosen” says he’s remained humble by following Jesus’ example and recognizing that “everything that I have is because of Him.” Jonathan Roumie is one of the most recognizable actors in entertainment. He’s played Jesus in a series with 200 million viewers worldwide and has been featured in several magazine articles and ads. People sometimes call him “Jesus” when they see him on the street.

When asked how he’s remained humble, Roumie said he looks to Jesus and remembers his roots. Before he got the role of Jesus in “The Chosen,” Roumie was an actor struggling to get jobs and nearly broke. The series’ success continued to grow when season four of “The Chosen” was nominated for a 2024 K-Love Fan Award in the category of Film Impact. Roumie answered, “Jesus is the ultimate. And if I’m trying to model my life after Him, He was the supreme example of humility. You look at the cross. There’s no one that was more humble than He was. And so I have to remember that everything that I have is because of Him — everything that I went through was to get to this point where I surrendered to Him.”

Roumie continued, “And as a result, He’s taken me out of the pit and put me here with you guys and [director] Dallas [Jenkins] and [actress] Liz [Tabish] and an incredible place. I pinch myself every day. Words cannot really adequately describe how I feel, but all of it goes back to Him. And without Him, I am nothing.” He said it is essential to stay “connected to your faith” and be “grounded in your belief.” Roumie said, smiling, “I work for somebody like Dallas — he keeps me pretty humble.” Jenkins, who created the show, said he and the actors often look back to the series’ first year when it had yet to grow in popularity. Jenkins launched “The Chosen” following the box office failure of a film he directed, “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone.”

Jenkins said, referencing the desire to remain humble, “All three of us, genuinely, in the months leading up to season one of the show … were probably in some of the darkest places of our lives, and that’s been true of a lot of the cast who came to the show. And I think that’s part of it. So many of us have embraced that we’re not worthy and that we’re surrendered and humbled — and may that never change.” Roumie said he and the cast and crew are blessed to be able to “do something that nobody’s ever done before — which is tell the story of Jesus of Nazareth in long-form format, for television, over the course of several years.” The role, he said, has strengthened his faith. The Prime Video series “Jonathan and Jesus” follows Roumie’s journey as an actor portraying Christ.

He said, “The more time you spend with Jesus and His words, and His ministry, and the people that were impacted by His ministry, the more unavoidably shaken your soul is by His words, by His life, by His example. For me, I’ve just gone much deeper into my prayer life; I’ve gone deeper into my own faith.”

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