Justin Higuchi / Flickr.com

Grammy Award-winning singer Lauren Daigle has secured several awards and positive attention in both secular and Christian realms over the years. However, when recently asked to share the biggest lesson she’s learned throughout her illustrious career, the “Look Up Child” singer passionately spoke neither about fame or money but about the power of humility.

Daigle said during a red-carpet interview at the K-LOVE Fan Awards in Nashville, Tennessee, “Humility is a good thing. And I know that there’s a lot of things vying for our affection, vying for the feeling of importance that we all somehow long for in our own unique little way, right?” The singer, who was nominated for KLOVE Fan Awards for Female Artist of the Year and Artist of the Year, went on to explain what she told her nieces when they asked, “What are you gonna do if you win?”

She said, “I said, ‘OK, I’m gonna walk up on stage, and I’ll say this speech and, you know, whatever. And they say, ‘What are you gonna do if you lose?’ And I said, ‘I’m gonna cheer everyone else on.’” Daigle’s point was that she would support whoever ended up winning, putting her pride aside. She encouraged others to take a similar posture. She said of young artists, “There is so much pressure on so many different artists and so many people to sustain charts and do this, do that. And the truth of the matter is: humility is the thing that is so rewarding, and so fulfilling, and it just allows you to have longevity in this career, and life, and joy in it — and as a human.”

Fellow singer Ellie Holcomb echoed Daigle’s words about humility and pride. She quoted Al Andrews, director of Porter’s Call, a ministry that serves musicians in Tennessee. Holcomb said she was intrigued by Andrews’ response when asked for the one thing he knows is true after spending two decades counseling musicians. She recounted, “He said, ‘The human heart was not built for notoriety.’ And it’s that exact same thing, and so it’s, get your worth, ground your worth in something deeper, wider, and stronger than any of the other things that God’s giving you to do — grounded in His love for you.”

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