Jamie Lamor Thompson / Shutterstock.com

According to Pro Football Hall of Fame coach and television analyst Tony Dungy, society is broken and can’t be fixed by politicians in Washington, D.C., but only by Americans returning to God. The former head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Indianapolis Colts made the comments on social media following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, saying his post had “nothing to do” with either Trump or President Biden.

His initial comment came in response to a social media post by former NFL player Benjamin Watson, who wrote on X, “Sad for the family of the senselessly slain yesterday. Sad that I have more questions than I can trust the media or investigation to provide truthful answers. Sad that I’m disgusted by the violence but not surprised by it. Sad that I feel numb. Sad for the state of American politics. Sad for America.” Dungy, like Watson, a devout Christian, echoed Watson. Dungy wrote on X, “You are correct @BenjaminSWatson. Our society is broken, and it won’t be fixed by any political party winning the election. It won’t be fixed by any legislation being passed. It will only be fixed if we turn back to God and follow His principles.”

Dungy defended his stance against pushback. When one follower said religious people are often mean, Dungy wrote, “This is what I’m talking about: Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” When a follower cursed out Dungy for implying there is only one God, Dungy retorted, “Well, either you’re right or I’m right. We’ll see eventually.” The Hall of Fame coach said his comments were not political. He asked, “Are we following Jesus and His principles or following a man? Is the person we’re following walking in the Spirit of Christ? If we put any man or woman on a pedestal, we’re going to be disappointed.”

There is hope for America, Dungy assured. “God said: ‘Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.’ 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT.”

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