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Chick-fil-A is well-known for its polite service and delicious chicken sandwiches, but its newest offering may be far from edible. Deadline recently reported that the chicken juggernaut has been in discussions with multiple production studios in an attempt to launch its own streaming platform. Deadline reported Chick-fil-A is speaking with Glassman Media and Sugar 23, with the intent to launch family-friendly content. It appears to be focusing on unscripted content but may also be seeking to license other content. This won’t be the first time the fast food -chain has developed its own content, such as “Stories of Evergreen Hills,” which it featured on its own website. A job opening for the company last year featured it was looking for an entertainment producer, stating, “We are looking to produce original entertainment — entertainment not necessarily about Chick-fil-A products or the Chick-fil-A brand.” It added, “This original programming is intended for Chick-fil-A’s soon-to-be launched PLAY entertainment app and may include scripted podcasts and audio adventures, original animation, reality and game shows, and other live-action scripted or non-scripted programming.”

Chick-fil-A’s budget reportedly includes $400,000 per 30 minutes of unscripted content. Television producer Brian Gibson, whose credentials include “The X Factor,” “Dancing with the Stars,” and “Top Gear USA,” has been hired by Chick-fil-A. One of the reported shows Chick-fil-A is working on is a family-friendly game show.

Social media had a lot to say about the possibility of the restaurant chain launching a streaming service. “Imma be so mad when I want to stream my favorite Chick-fil-A+ show on a Sunday and the app refuses to open,” joked one user, referring to the fact that Chick-fil-A closes its stores on Sundays. Another complained about the saturated market of streaming options. “Chick-fil-A streaming service’ is crazy. We have lost the plot entirely. Tear it all down. We need to go back to three big broadcast networks and go from there.” Starbucks is another example of a non-entertainment service entering the streaming business. According to Deadline, the new platform could launch as soon as the end of this year. As of yet, Chick-fil-A has not released any additional information.

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