@rhettwalker / Instagram

With the release of his new album, “Days that We Dreamed Of,” Rhett Walker is reflecting on the impact his faith in Christ has had on his life. The Grammy-nominated singer grew up in church, but his life was far from God, having been kicked out of high school and becoming a dad at 17. Yet, it was the wake-up call Walker needed to bring his life back in line with Christ. “When I was 16, we moved away from my hometown, and I was trying to find my way around a new place. The loudest crowd was the easiest crowd to join, but it wasn’t the smartest choice,” he told The Alabama Baptist in April. “I started getting in trouble with the law and was expelled from school. My girlfriend became pregnant when I was only 17 years old. This was the moment when I realized that I needed to give up living for myself.” He called it “a pivotal moment when I realized that I need to turn back to the Lord.”

He sat down with his girlfriend and decided that they were going to do things right. He would eventually graduate from high school and marry his then-girlfriend, April, who has been his wife for 20 years. The couple now have four children. After their first child was born, Walker began to help lead worship at his church, which would eventually lead to a career in music. “My first record came out in 2012, and that was my testimony, from teenage pregnancy to trying to figure out my senior year of high school … to getting a job, all of these things,” Walker told The Christian Post in a recent interview.Over a decade later, Walker’s new record looks back at the blessings he and April have experienced. “We were sitting on the back porch, and April said, ‘We’re living in the days that we dreamed of. I was like, ‘Yeah, like, we really are.’ I don’t think for anybody that it’s just a smooth ride. Life can be hell to walk through, and some go there and back many times. …But if you really are looking at your life and what God has set up, man, these are the days that we’ve dreamed of.” He stated that a blessed life is more than material things. “It’s not about what your house looks like, the car that you drive, the money in your bank account. If you have a family that loves each other and is excited to see mama come home from work and daddy, come home, and you’re living life with each other all while looking at Jesus and trying to push forward and going, ‘God, whatever you have for us,’ that’s a beautiful life.” He’s seen a lot of success, with his song, “Man On The Middle Cross” being nominated for Bluegrass/Country/Roots Recorded Song of The Year at this year’s Dove Awards. “The accolades are cool, but what excites me most is connecting with people through my music,” said Walker.

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