Kendrick Brothers Productions

The Kendrick brothers’ new film, “The Forge” is set to hit theaters August 23rd, and it’s a film the brothers hope will stir a movement within churches. The film focuses on the story of Isaiah, a listless man trying to figure out his future. He meets a new Christian mentor, who begins to pour into his life and give him insight into what living a Christian life looks like. The film shares much with the brothers’ other film, “War Room,” including actors Priscilla Shirer and TC Stallings. “This one is actually part two, in a sense, because ‘War Room’ is a call to prayer, and this one is a call to discipleship,” Stephen Kendrick told CBN News. “The Forge’ is about the process of someone becoming a disciple. [In] this process of discipleship in the movie, a group of men are pouring into a younger group of men on their walk with Jesus, and we specifically follow one named Isaiah,” said Alex Kendrick. The film particularly focuses on the concept of “dying to self.”

“We want to depend too much on our own logic, so going deeper with Jesus means denying yourself and moving your priorities out of the way if they conflict with Scripture or what God’s calling you to do. And determining, ‘I am going to follow the Lord,” he said. Speaking to The Washington Examiner, Alex spoke of how the film was pointing at a broader issue within the culture. “The tagline that we’re using for The Forge movie is, ‘Whoever wants the next generation the most will get them,’ because our culture wants the next generation. They want their hearts, their minds, their viewpoints, perspectives, their loyalties. The healthy part of our culture that is looking more wisely at things, needs to go after the next generation and pursue them to teach them, pour into them,” he said.

It’s a sentiment that others involved in the film echo. Shirer said she appreciated the film’s focus on strong males, something the culture seems to denigrate. “Seeing males step up to the plate of influence and leadership in these young people’s lives in this film, I really do think is going to inspire and encourage the Body of Christ to rise up and fill in those gaps that they see around them,” she said. Her book, I Surrender All, is being released along with the film to give further incite into the message of discipleship. “The book asks the question, ‘What parts of your life and mine am I holding back and reserving and keeping from full disclosure to Him?’” she added. “He knows anyway, but am I holding on to entertainment choices that are not necessarily wrong but have taken first place? Anything that has taken more of a priority, that I love more, that I worship more, that I’m holding on really tightly — and you always know what those things are, He’s asking us to release them.”

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