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At just 15 years old, Hezly Rivera has become the youngest athlete to represent the United States at the Olympics. Her journey to this pinnacle of success has been anything but easy, and she attributes her triumph to her unwavering faith and inspiration from the Bible, particularly Isaiah 40:31.

Hezly’s passion for gymnastics began at the tender age of five. Her parents, noticing her natural talent and boundless energy, enrolled her in a local gymnastics club. From the beginning, Hezly demonstrated remarkable dedication and a strong work ethic, often spending hours perfecting her routines

Amanda Harris, Hezly’s coach, recalls the young athlete’s tenacity. “Hezly has always been a hard worker, but what sets her apart is her faith. She believes that her talent is a gift from God and that she has a responsibility to use it to glorify Him,” Harris said

Hezly’s path to the Olympics was fraught with challenges. She faced injuries, intense competition, and the pressure of balancing her training with schoolwork. However, she always retained her faith. Her favorite Bible verse, Isaiah 40:31, provided Hezly with the strength and perseverance she needed to keep pushing forward.

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” This verse became Hezly’s mantra, and she recited it before every practice and competition.

When Hezly finally stepped onto the Olympic stage, she felt a sense of calm wash over her. “I knew that God was with me,” she said. “I had worked hard, but I also knew that I couldn’t do it alone. I needed His strength and guidance.”

Hezly’s performance was nothing short of spectacular. She executed her routines with precision and grace, earning her a spot on the podium. As she accepted her medal, tears streamed down her face. “This is all for Him,” she said, pointing to the sky. “I couldn’t have done it without His love and support.”

Hezly’s story has resonated with many young athletes around the world. She has become a role model not only for her athletic prowess but also for her unwavering faith. “It’s important to remember that we are not alone in our journey,” she said. “God is always with us, and with His help, we can achieve great things.”

Her victory at the Olympics is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. Her favorite verse, Isaiah 40:31, continues to inspire her and countless others to trust in God’s plan and to soar on wings like eagles.

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