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Christian moviegoers have reason to celebrate as Mel Gibson is reportedly scouting locations in Malta for the highly anticipated sequel to “The Passion of the Christ.” The 2004 blockbuster, which portrayed the final hours of Jesus’ life, left a lasting impact on audiences, and now, its sequel is set to explore the profound events surrounding the Resurrection.

According to the Italian news outlet “Italpress,” Gibson spent five days in Malta discussing the potential project with local authorities. The report states that Gibson and an 11-member team were invited by the Malta Film Commission to explore filming locations. During the visit, the team also met with Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela to further plans for the sequel, “The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection”.

Since its release, “The Passion of the Christ” has remained the top-grossing Christian film of all time, bringing in $370 million domestically and sitting at No. 1 at the box office for four weekends. Its depiction of Jesus’ sacrifice continues to inspire faith-based audiences worldwide, and the sequel is expected to delve deeper into the Resurrection, portraying the triumph of Christ’s victory over death.

Pre-production for the film is expected to begin in April 2025, with filming likely to follow soon after. Jim Caviezel, who famously portrayed Christ in the 2004 film, is slated to return in the lead role. Caviezel hinted that the new film may be released in two or even three parts, underscoring the emotional depth and complexity of the story.

In a previous interview, Caviezel shared the emotional intensity of the upcoming film: “Mel [Gibson] took me through all of the scenes, and I was on the floor crying. … It’ll be one of the best things you’ve ever seen.”

For many believers, “The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection” will be not just a cinematic event but a spiritual experience. As details continue to emerge, fans are eager to see how this powerful continuation of the story of Jesus will unfold, offering renewed hope and faith to viewers everywhere.

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