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Creed lead singer Scott Stapp recently made a powerful call for unity, reminding audiences that the United States was founded on Christian values and encouraging Americans to come together amidst a time of division. During a concert on his band’s reunion tour, Stapp took a moment between songs to address the crowd, delivering a passionate speech that has since gone viral on social media.

In the clip shared on X, the Grammy Award-winning vocalist stressed that America is “a constitutional republic based upon the Bible and the Word of God,” not just any democracy. He lamented how divided the country has become and urged fans to recognize the forces that contribute to this division.

“We’re so divided,” the 51-year-old said. “Divided is exactly the way they want us to be. The powers that be want us to be distracted from holding them accountable.”

Stapp’s message encouraged listeners to shift their focus away from differences and instead concentrate on shared values. “Focus on what unites us, not what divides us,” he urged, noting how easily people become “keyboard warriors,” engaged in endless arguments online while real issues are ignored.

“We go to entertainment and become perfect little citizens and go buy the latest trends. Everything to keep us distracted from what’s happening right in front of our eyes,” he warned.

Stapp continued by calling for Americans to “wake up” and hold those in power accountable. He reminded the crowd that civil rights are being violated daily, but many are too distracted to notice. “Nearly everything we accuse other countries of doing, we’re doing right here,” he said.

He emphasized the importance of coming together as one and finding common ground in values like life, freedom, love, and happiness. “The only way to make change is to wake up and come together as one,” Stapp declared. “We start reminding them [the government] that we are a constitutional republic based upon the Bible and the Word of God.”

Stapp is no stranger to sharing his faith. Known for incorporating spiritual imagery in Creed’s music, his journey with Christianity has been an ongoing part of his personal and professional life. Songs like “Higher,” “With Arms Wide Open,” and “My Own Prison” reflect his struggles and spiritual growth.

Stapp’s battle with addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs has been well-documented, and he has credited his Christian faith for his recovery. In his autobiography “Sinner’s Creed”, he details the role faith played in helping him overcome the darkest moments of his life.

During a 2013 interview, Stapp recalled a life-threatening fall during a drug-fueled episode that he believes only God’s grace allowed him to survive. “Thank God there was a ledge about four stories down, and I shouldn’t have survived that impact,” he told Fox 411.

Despite the challenges, Stapp’s faith remains central to his journey. In 2014, following a highly publicized divorce, he reaffirmed his commitment to Christ and the role that faith plays in his life.

“As you all know, I have recently rededicated my life to Christ,” Stapp said in a video to fans. “I’m a Christian and proud to be… I’m very excited about fully dedicating my music, my life, and my testimony to sharing what God’s done in my life.”


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