Ian M. Giatti / Youtube

During a recent interview at Fellowship Church in Grapevine Tx, for a discussion on “Politics in the Pews,” former football coach Joe Kennedy shared his faith battle that brought him all the way to the Supreme Court. Kennedy’s troubles began in 2015 when he was the varsity football coach at Bremerton High School in Washington state. Kennedy had been warned by the school to desist praying at the 50-yard line after games. When he continued, he was eventually terminated, and a long legal odyssey followed, which was resolved by a 6-3 Supreme Court decision that asserted Kennedy’s right to engage in personal, private prayer even when on public school property.

Kennedy, an 18-year US Marine veteran, said it was a battle he didn’t willingly partake in. “This is something that I did not want, I did not ask for. And this whole entire time, I’ve been dragging my feet on it and saying, ‘God, I don’t want to go through this.’ But He does the most incredible things with idiots like me,” he said. Despite his initial unwillingness, he encouraged the audience to be ready. “So, imagine what He can do with you guys! That’s how cool this is. If He picks me to do something so great — of changing the nation in our religious liberties — imagine what we could do as just individual families, individual groups, individual companies out there, individual churches.”

Kennedy did not grow up in the faith. Originally an atheist after going through the foster care system, he eventually came to Christ after marrying a Christian woman. But even he and his wife clashed during his legal battles as she worked for the school district. “During that fight, I had to sit there and rely just on my relationship with God, because I had nothing else,” he said in a statement of Job’s own personal battles. Despite the Supreme Court siding with him, Kennedy warned other Christians to be prepared to lose. “We are not called to win the fight. I wish that was part of the paragraph, but it’s not. We are called to fight the good fight,” he called. “We’re called to finish that race and to remain faithful. And when I get to Heaven, I want God to look at me and go, ‘Hey, you did alright.’”

Kennedy’s faith battle has earned him the attention of Christian entertainment. GND Media Group and Fathom Events announced that they would be releasing a film about Kennedy’s experience called “Average Joe” that will be released October 10.  Eric Close will play Kennedy while Amy Acker plays his wife, Denise. Fathom Events framed Kennedy’s life before the legal battle as “coming together.” “Retired, happily married, building into kids as a strong role model… it was finally coming together for Joe. Until he prayed. Yep, Joe was fired. For praying. Silently. By himself. After the games.” You can find out more about the upcoming film at Fathom Events’ website.

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