Eleven Warriors / YouTube

 After making headlines for the amount of players who openly profess Christ, players for the Ohio State football team continue to share their faith in preparation for another football season. The team’s lineman, Luke Montgomery, spoke openly to reporters during a preseason conference, wearing a t-shirt that said, “Jesus Won.” “I never didn’t trust the Lord’s will and His path for me, if that makes any sense. When I got here, I was blessed with the opportunity to have Scripture-based Bible studies with … guys that are moving on to the next part of their journey,” he told reporters.

He will begin his second year with the team as he works towards a starting position. He told reporters he relies on prayer when things don’t’ go the way he expected. “Coming in here, you got dreams of being — like, I wanted to be a left tackle, but here I am going into year two playing center and guard, and that’s all right, you know. I’m just kind of trying to find my way onto the field here in any way possible,” he said. He added, “it’s just the Lord’s way, it’s not mine.”

The team’s faith has made a major impact on the school as well. The team recently helped to facilitate a baptism ceremony with anywhere from 800 to 1,000 students in attendance outside the school’s Curl Market. Around 60 attendees were baptized. Several of the players offered their testimonies to the crowd, where a stated had been set up with four large tubs. Former wide receiver for the Buckeyes, Kamryn Babb, was one of the speakers and he shared about the difference Christ had made his life.

“I was just doing this thing because it was fun,” he said. “And I’ll tell you this: I was on High Street and I enjoyed it.” Babb, however, suffered several ACL injuries during his time with the university, leaving him unsure of what life would be like. An Uber driver by the name of Darnell offered to pray for him, which helped him to realized just how broken he was. Montgomery shared about the event on X. “Amazing night worshipping the lord! Something special is going on here! God Bless,” he wrote. He shared another video of Babb speaking about the event and sharing the big things that God is doing on campus. “God truly did show up,” said Babb. He also said the event wasn’t about “a football team” but “Jesus Christ.”

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