@adrian.griffinjr / Instagram

At just 21 years old, AJ Griffin was living what many would consider a dream life. Drafted in the first round of the 2022 NBA Draft by the Atlanta Hawks, the former Duke standout was well on his way to a successful basketball career. In two seasons, Griffin played in 92 games, averaging 7.5 points in 17.1 minutes per game. But just before the start of the 2024-25 season, Griffin made a life-altering announcement: he was stepping away from the NBA.

This decision wasn’t due to injury or personal conflict with the sport. Instead, Griffin shared that his choice was rooted in a deeper calling—his commitment to his Christian faith. In a statement that surprised many fans, the young athlete explained, “I gave up basketball to follow Jesus.”

Griffin’s decision to leave the NBA shocked many, given his youth and potential in the league. However, for Griffin, his life’s direction was no longer defined by his career on the basketball court. “I know that in a lot of people’s eyes, it seems like a loss,” Griffin said. “But I just want to let you guys know that I’m super excited because I truly get to serve God with my full ‘Yes.'”

Griffin, a native of Texas, elaborated that leaving basketball was not an impulsive decision. In fact, his desire to fully devote himself to his faith has been growing since 2020, when he first gave his life to Christ. The 6’6″ forward shared that this decision would allow him to pursue ministry full-time. “Letting go of basketball is allowing me to go into full-time ministry and truly serve the Lord with all my heart—and with all my time, too.”

While Griffin’s decision is rare, he is not the first NBA player to step away from the sport to focus on his faith. Darren Collison, a former point guard who played 10 seasons in the NBA, made a similar choice in 2019 when he retired to dedicate his life to his faith as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Collison cited his desire to help others and participate in a global ministry as key reasons for his retirement.

“While I still love basketball, I know there is something more important, which is my family and my faith,” Collison said at the time. “I receive so much joy from volunteering to help others and participate in a worldwide ministry. The joy I feel is unmatched.”

Both Griffin and Collison’s stories highlight a common theme: a willingness to leave behind worldly success for the sake of their faith. For Griffin, the excitement of NBA stardom paled in comparison to his desire to serve Jesus with his whole heart.

As Griffin steps into this new chapter of his life, he faces an uncertain future, at least in worldly terms. Many fans may wonder how such a talented athlete could walk away from a career that promised wealth and fame. But Griffin’s perspective is shaped by a higher calling. His decision reflects the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:26: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?”

For now, Griffin is excited to see where God leads him. “I truly get to serve the Lord with all my heart,” he said, expressing his anticipation for what lies ahead in ministry. His story reminds us that, for some, following Christ means laying aside personal dreams to embrace a greater purpose.


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