HeavenlyBonded / YouTube

Lola Sheen, the daughter of actors Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen, has been opening up about how God has impacted her life. In January, Sheen shared images of her baptism on her Instagram. “When I was in my deepest depression, there was a moment where I realized I hit rock bottom,” wrote Sheen. “I felt so lost and hopeless, and was just doing my best to make it to the next day. I just accepted my life was going to be like that forever, and thought I would never genuinely laugh again. Until, I met not only my Savior but my best friend, Jesus.” She said Jesus had saved her, “from battling severe anxiety.” “I am forever saved by His Grace, through faith. I thank You Jesus for everything, I love You, and I hope You are proud of me.”

Speaking on her podcast, “HeavenlyBonded,” Sheen shared how her faith had helped her to overcome a recent panic attack. In February, she found herself doing a flurry of press in New York to promote the podcast. “When you’re doing press and you’re doing all these things, there can be a lot of feelings of unworthiness because you’re around all of these people and you constantly have eyes on you,” she said. After doing back-to-back interviews multiple days, Sheen didn’t make as much time to pray.

“When I’m busy like that, it’s really important to make sure that I’m putting God at the beginning of my day and the end of my day. And if I’m so busy throughout the day, at least I should do that. I wasn’t reminding myself of God’s truth and filling my mind in anxious moments with God instead of believing these lies that aren’t from God,” she said. She noted her anxiety would cause her to feel physically dizzy. One panic attack became so bad, it prompted her to leave the hotel room where she was visiting friends. She called a friend who prayed over her. “Everything goes quiet. I can’t hear anything. Like literally, I felt like I couldn’t hear. I could not see straight,” she recalled. Her panic attack grew so bad, she contemplated going to the hospital.

Things changed however after she made it to her sister’s hotel room, began to play worship music on the TV, and called some “sisters in Christ.” Her sisters helped her to speak against the lies she was believing. “So I spoke out, ‘I believe that I’m going to die,’ ‘I believe that my anxiety is too big for God to handle,’ which is a lie. I know that’s not true, but that is a lie that was coming in my mind. Basically, what we did is we went through every single lie I was believing in that moment and I repented against the lie and I came out of agreement with what the enemy was telling me,” she said. Her sisters then helped her replace the lies with Scripture, helping to bring her back to peace. “The only way I was OK again was because of Jesus,” she said, adding that God had allowed her to go through the experience to see the way He worked.

Sheen has grown up with the spotlight on her family, particularly her father’s bouts with substance abuse and her parents’ very public divorce. Her mother has an OnlyFans page, where she has collaborated with Lola’s sister, Sami. Despite the notoriety of her family, however, Sheen seems ready to keep her eyes on Jesus. “My life really was forever changed.”

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