“Prince Caspian,” the sequel to 2005’s “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe,” hits theaters Friday, May 16th, and to celebrate we have three books to give away—”The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” (movie tie-in edition). One of these books, the grand prize, is autographed by Ben Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian, as well as other cast members. The other two books are not autographed.
Want a copy?
Post a comment below by June 2nd answering the following question: “Do you have your own personal ‘Narnia’? Where is it?” Make sure you include your email address in the designated area (it won’t be made public). The 3 best responses–based on the judgment of the Idol Chatter editors—will win one of the books.
For complete rules and regulations click here.
To view our complete “Prince Caspian” features click here.

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