Looking for a really cool gift for the special child in your life? There’s a great new DVD from “Precious Moments” (yes, the company who makes those porcelain figurines) called “Our Angel Saves the Day” where they digitally impose a photo of your young son, daughter, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc, into the cartoon so that he or she becomes the star! The child’s name will also appear on the DVD. You can check it out on the Kideo.com website.Precious Moments: Our Angel Saves the Day
Beliefnet has received certificates good for 5 free DVDs.
Want one?
Post a comment below by September 15, 2009, answering the question: Who is your real-life angel? Tell us about him or her.
Make sure you include your email address in the designated area (it won’t be made public). The 5 best responses–based on the judgment of the Idol Chatter editors–will each win a certificate for a free personalized “Precious Moments: Our Angel Saves the Day” DVD. The certificate has a special code on it so that you can submit a photo for personalization and place your order online (includes shipping and handling).
Please read the legal stuff before entering.
And the folks at Kideo also want to extend a special Beliefnet discount to anyone who does not win the DVD, but who wants to order it. Readers can get 10% off by using the promotional code BNPM9. If you place your order online and upload the photo, you will get an additonal 5% off.

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