Blue Scuti / YouTube

Thirteen-year-old Willis Green has made history as the first documented person to officially beat Tetris. The user, who goes by the name “Blue Scuti,” posted his historic game to YouTube on Tuesday. In the video, he reached the game’s “kill screen,” something that was previously only achieved by an AI bot. The “kill screen” is a very big deal for Tetris players, which many have considered to be unbeatable. “Oh my God, oh my God,” said Willis as he played the game. As he readjusted his glasses, he said “I can’t feel my hands. My hands feel tingly, I can’t feel my hands.”

According to 404 Media, Green is partial to using a new strategy called “rolling,” where he holds the controller in such a manner that he can press the D-pad up to 20 times a second. Previously, players often used the “hyper-tapping” method. When Green won the game, the 13-year-old wanted to share the victory with his mom. “My mom’s at work,” he said. His mom eventually appeared on camera where Green showed her the game. “You can see I crashed the screen,” he said before getting a high five from her. Green dedicated the game to his father, Adam Gibson, who passed away December 14th 2023.

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