The most popular video link sent to me and my friends yesterday via Facebook, e-mail or twitter had to be the Anne Rice video over at the social networking/Christian ministry website I Am Second. I Am Second is a mix of internet and grassroots outreach designed “to help people discover their purpose in life.” One of the features of the website is a series of video stories from celebrities and average folk like you and me . This week Anne Rice’s video testimony is their latest inspirational offering.While many people may have heard about her return to her Catholic roots and her Christian faith, I think Rice has spoken on camera very little about the depth of her beliefs and the long journey she went on that brought her back to God. Fortunately, she has broken that silence and shares one of the most inspiring accounts of conversion I have heard in a long time.In the I Am Second video she describes herself as a “Christ haunted” atheist and discusses eloquently her grief over her loss of faith during young adulthood and describes beautifully her surrender to the idea of no longer living in a godless world.It is her description at the end of the video of what she feels when she pictures Christ on the cross that moved me the most and seemed so fitting as we move closer to Easter Sunday, but the entire story is available for your viewing below.

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