The widely anticipated “Book of Genesis Illustrated” penned by R. Crumb, the famous comic book artist and graphic novelist released yesterday and the backlash from Christian groups and churches has already begun. I first heard about R. Crumb’s foray into turning Genesis into a graphic novel last spring at Book Expo America, the largest annual…

I know that Spike Jonze’s screen adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s beloved picture book, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ is getting fantastic reviews. I’ve seen the raves on the news and in newspapers, too, and listened to a Talk of the Nation special about monsters yesterday on NPR inspired by Sendak, called “Maurice Sendak’s Monster Makeover”…

Since I know that Idol Chatter readers are BIG fans of all things Twilight and Stephenie Meyer, I can’t resist pointing you to a podcast/radio show I did for the Penguin Classics series, “Vampires on Paper: The Enduring Appeal of Vampires in Literature.” I was asked to respond to the suggestion that “Twilight” is “Wuthering…

We’ve all heard it before–J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series promotes witchcraft, dark magic, Satanic practices, etc. etc. etc. Some concerned parents have even advocated to ban “Harry Potter” books in the past, though Banned Books Week celebrates the reading of these villainized books. Now BBC News reports the reason why Rowling was never given the Presidential Medal…

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