This weekend, Terrence Rafferty of The New York Times looks at the tension that flares up whenever faith and cinema clash–“The awful thing about these religious-movie dust-ups is that there’s no resolving them to anybody’s satisfaction, either believers’ or nonbelievers'”–and argues, in his article, “Separation of Church and Film,” that movies like “Angels & Demons”…

According to an article from the Associated Press, the folks in Rome aren’t worried about the new Dan Brown movie, “Angels & Demons,” which premiered there on Monday, reporting that: “Reviewers at the Vatican’s newspaper have passed judgment on “Angels & Demons,” finding the religious thriller commercial and inaccurate, but concluding it is “harmless” entertainment…

I see Esquire’s beloved writer A.J. Jacobs as a stunt man of a certain sort: he picks a crazy project with a beguiling, humorous hook–one of my favorites was when he “outsourced” his life to India, including arguments with his wife and bedtime stories with his kids–and then he “lives it” well beyond reasonable extremes…

There’s a new book out that may provide some of the most compelling reading in years for those who are interesting in spirituality, pop culture, and faith-based television. “The Last TV Evangelist” is authored by Phil Cooke, a veteran producer who has appeared on MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, and the Fox News Network. His work has…

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