Okay, I can hear the cards and letters (or posts) comin,’ because Idol Chatter is usually a generous and congenial part of the Beliefnet blog network, and we usually take a pretty open position in embracing our culture and the arts relative to our faith journeys. But every once in a while, art doesn’t transcend…

True, vampires are by nature predators. Also true, in Stephenie Meyer’s novel “Twilight,” Edward Cullen, every teen girl’s romantic dreamboy, is heavy on the brooding and, of course, the entire story turns on Bella and Edward as star-crossed lovers. That said, while there is no doubt Robert Pattinson does a good job with the impossible–bringing…

Here’s another sign that our soon-to-be 44th president is hip (and it’s not just his suave fashion sense): Barack Obama has been reading Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” series with his 10-year-old daughter, Malia. While “Twilight” skews toward an older teen and adult audience, it’s refreshing to know that Obama and his daughter enjoy reading together. (They have both finished…

Okay, “Twilight” fans–if you are an Edward-and-Bella junkie and a Christian, you’ve got some work cut out for you. Apparently, the “Twilight” movie (and the “Twilight” series) are helpful for bringing “unbelievers” to Jesus, and The Christian Post will show you the way to use “Twilight” toward this end.

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