Though my fellow blogger Patton Dodd already so beautifully eulogized writer David Foster Wallace’s early death, and Paul O’Donnell pointed readers to a wonderful piece called “Roger Federer as Religious Experience” reprinted by The New York Times last week in Wallace’s honor, I can’t help but devout one more small moment on Idol Chatter to…

The New York Times’s site has reposted a 2006 article about tennis star Roger Federer, not because of Federer’s resurgence at last month’s U.S. Open, but because the piece is by David Foster Wallace, the beloved and very funny writer who committed suicide last week after suffering depression most of his adult life. You can…

The decision that has Harry Potter fans in mourning–Warner Bros. Postponing the movie release of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” until July 2009–turns out to be a boon for Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” fans. “Twilight,” the movie, was moved up three weeks and now releases on November 21st (Woohoo!) and now Bella and Edward…

The news that David Foster Wallace hung himself this weekend came as such a shock not only because it was the news of great loss for literary and academic culture–which it is–but also because it seemed like such a contrary act for a man so life-affirming and life-giving. The line we often hear about postmodern…

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