Between the front page New York Times Style section article “Shaking Riches Out of the Cosmos,” which marvels about the fact that “The Secret” book is sitting atop the New York Times Hardcover Advice Bestseller List, and Newsweek’s online extravaganza “Decoding ‘The Secret,’” not to mention an official Oprah stamp of approval (she’s dedicated two…

I walked into the theater with great trepidation to see Walt Disney’s film adaptation of Katherine Paterson’s Newbery Award-winning “Bridge to Terabithia,” a story about a friendship between a boy and a girl, Jess and Leslie. From the look of the commercials, I feared that this beloved novel from my youth–so widely read still today…

More powerful than Wolverine and more charismatic than Magneto, the man best known for producing the “X-Men” series of films, Ralph Winter, has achieved something even Professor Xavier couldn’t dream of accomplishing. Variety has announced that Winter will at long last be producing a big screen version of another C.S. Lewis best seller, the Christian…

We don’t know yet whether the young wizard Harry Potter will survive Book 7, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” (though we will soon–hooray!!). But the publishing industry–particularly children’s-book publishers and most of all Scholastic, JK Rowling’s American publisher–are bracing for a major hit once July 21, 2007, passes and there will no longer be…

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