“I have my coffee, and I sit and watch Oprah,” a woman tells The New York Times in a story today. “It’s my favorite time of day.” Not exactly front-page news you say? The woman in question is a Saudi, and like many of her female compatriots, she looks to Oprah for clues on how…

The New York Times’s site has reposted a 2006 article about tennis star Roger Federer, not because of Federer’s resurgence at last month’s U.S. Open, but because the piece is by David Foster Wallace, the beloved and very funny writer who committed suicide last week after suffering depression most of his adult life. You can…

My fellow Idol Chatter bloggers and I have written before about how we believe Will Smith doth protest too much that he is not involved in Scientology. I have even questioned Smith’s claims that all religions are basically the same— including Scientology. Well, Smith is denying his involvement in Scientology yet again–this time to Fox…

The decision that has Harry Potter fans in mourning–Warner Bros. Postponing the movie release of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” until July 2009–turns out to be a boon for Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” fans. “Twilight,” the movie, was moved up three weeks and now releases on November 21st (Woohoo!) and now Bella and Edward…

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