There are two kinds of people in this world: Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles. Johnny Cash, particularly the Man in Black of recent memory, was strictly OT. His lined crag of a face projected righteous lament, matching a voice that boomed from somewhere beyond the clouds. “Ultimate Gospel,” a posthumous collection of Cash’s…

Amidst all the hoopla over the past couple of weeks about the alleged discovery of the tombs of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, James Cameron–the “Titanic” director who produced the documentary “The Jesus Family Tomb”–offered this gem of a comment: Grasping to explain the statistical improbability of finding these names together in one family tomb, Cameron…

Poor Madonna, she just can’t catch a break–unless she’s falling off a horse, that is. Once again, the Material Girl is catching flack, or should we say flap, for her choice of Purim party attire. According to MSNBC’s Scoop, Madge and hubby Guy Ritchie showed up as a 1920s flapper and a New York City…

Just as fashion magazines regularly christen every color of the rainbow to be “the new black” for the season, Hollywood A-listers seem to be saying so long to last season’s Kabbalah and hello to Scientology. “Scientology is the Kabbalah of 2007,” Jared Shapiro, news and entertainment director for Life&Style Weekly, told Though this religion…

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