On “Dateline” last night, Madonna spoke about the controversy over her adopting an African baby–and, of course, about that other controversy, over her on-stage crucifixion act. Watch that section of the interview:

I’ve already ranted here once before about actor Stephen Baldwin’s brand of gnarly, extreme sports-themed Christianity, so I feel a little bit guilty about pointing out that the hip, high-class Salon magazine has a new profile on Baldwin–conveniently timed for the release of his memoir, “The Unusual Suspect.” In the article, Baldwin makes such enlightened…

Last year, a sketch character called Borat sang a song advising the world to throw the Jews down the well so his country could be free, and in the process he managed to convince the patrons in a country-western bar to sing along. The world’s response? Some Jewish organizations were predictably fearful–worrying about the possibility…

This morning, the first installment of Mel Gibson’s two-part interview on Good Morning America aired, hyped as the first time we would hear the Hollywood star’s own account of the events of July 28, 2006. On that night, an intoxicated Gibson, who has battled alcoholism for decades, was arrested for drunk driving, unleashing a barrage…

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