As the red carpet season officially started with Monday’s Golden Globe Awards, I have decided it is finally time to announce my personal picks for the best films of 2006. Granted, there are two films I have yet to see that I believe probably would have made my list (“Half Nelson” and “Little Children”), but…

On this week in which we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I am growing tired of the disrespect that is tolerated in our culture–and even promoted–toward an individual who has had a far greater effect on the spiritual lives of countless Americans since even before the foundation of our country. His name is Jesus…

Critics often throw around the term “feel-good movie” to describe a film that warms your heart to the very core, but “Stomp the Yard” was forgotten in that lot. The story follows DJ (Columbus Short), a troubled youth who witnesses the death of his brother, to the campus of Truth University, a historically black university.…

I think the media has been propagating a dramatic myth for a long, long time and it does a disservice to our culture and our country. I wish someone would please tell them that I am not an EvangeliCatholic, although they treat me like one and may have convinced you that I am one. Let…

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