The holiday season means it’s busy time here at Beliefnet, and there are a couple of new features that we think Idol Chatter readers will love. The first is Caroling with the Stars–music from some of the year’s best celebrity Christmas albums, as well as a few old favorites. It features Sarah McLachlan, Brad Paisley,…

Dimension Films is doing a little re-gifting this holiday season–and certain religious groups are responding with a loud “return to sender.” Dimension, a division of the Weinstein Company, is releasing a remake of the 1974 horror classic “Black Christmas,” a tale of sorority girls being menaced over Christmas break, considered by most afficionados to be…

What if the “X” in “X-Files” stood for Christ? It wouldn’t be a surprise to those who believe that the Bible is full of evidence of extraterrestrial visitations and manipulations. But while it’s true that Erich Von Daniken’s 1974 book “Chariots of the Gods” explored aliens visiting ancient Egypt and Peru, rarely are such theories…

I not only grew up reading E. B. White’s classic “Charlotte’s Web” together with my mother, but each year my family gathered to watch the animated movie version of this story about rescue, friendship, and the circle of life (and death) whenever it aired. Like many other children of my generation, I loved Charlotte and…

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