A pig and a spider were no match for the charisma of Will Smith, as his inspirational movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” topped the weekend box office. Based on the life of rags-to-riches stock broker Chris Gardner, the movie is not simply about chasing the almighty dollar, but it is about breaking the cycle of…

Think of video games. If you’re of a certain age, it’s Pac Man and Donkey Kong. If you’re younger, maybe you think of Grand Theft Auto or The Fast and the Furious. Religious Christians who have faith in the Rapture might enjoy Left Behind: Eternal Forces. Or if you’re Jewish, you might sit yourself in…

So I caved. It’s utterly predictable, and I can’t stand Cameron Diaz (I mean, really can’t stand), not to mention Jack Black, who is about as un-McDreamy as you can get in a guy lead. But due to the slim pickings in the romantic comedy department this year, I just went to see “The Holiday.”…

She’s a far cry from Meredith Viera, but she sure makes the show interesting. The addition of comedian-actor Rosie O’Donnell to “The View” was genius in some ways, as it gave life to a show that was heading south when Viera (who was fabulous) announced her departure and Star Jones left in a huff. But…

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