After getting a late start as part of the new TV season, the NBC sitcom “Scrubs” has found its sweet spot. Last night’s episode didn’t look to the caustic Dr. Cox or the goofy antics of the hospital janitor for laughs, but instead took a huge risk by tackling the tough issue of abortion with…

In this post-“Sex and the City” era, people dissect relationships a lot. There’s so much to navigate that some daters might wish they had been born in an era when there wasn’t so much choice–a time when a man saw a woman of marriageable age and asked for her hand in marriage. And once married,…

Looking for a holiday feel-good movie with an inspirational message? A family-friendly tale of father-son devotion that uses the F-word in a heartwarming way? A spiritual flick that embodies some of the highest ideals of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Scientology? Then go see “The Pursuit of Happyness,” Will Smith’s latest star turn. But…

A few weeks ago, Nicole, my fellow Idol Chatter-er, blogged about the premiere of “The Real World Denver.” Specifically, she wrote about the clash between housemates Stephen and Davis, both Christians. Davis announced he was gay and criticized Stephen’s anti-homosexuality stance, arguing that God didn’t hate gay people. Davis said that being gay wasn’t a…

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