If you are looking for repetition (You are what you think! You are what you think!), unintentional comedy (think Parker Posey’s Libby in “Waiting for Guffman“–but real), a reason to roll your eyes a lot, and are hoping to “get rich quick” before the holidays, then buy the recently released DVD “The Secret“! This pseudo-documentary…

What happens when you’re a time lord–a humanoid race that can, in simplest terms, manipulate time and acts–and you meet another being who claims to have existed before time even began? If you’re Doctor Who, the last of the time lords, it shakes your faith. In the recent two part episode “The Impossible Planet”/”The Satan…

Life in elementary school is hard. Even if you’ve got Lil’ Condi Rice to do your homework, Lil’ Dickie Cheney to growl at your enemy cafeteria workers who are trying out a multicultural menu, and parents who live in the White House. And maybe especially when it’s “Dan Quayle Elementary School” and your name is…

I had high hopes for “The Nativity Story.” While there were a few moments worthy of praise, I have to say that this film was disappointing. I won’t waste time quibbling over historical discrepancies in this adaptation. After all, the best moments of this movie are the awkward conversations between Mary and Joseph as they…

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