If you care about spirituality, go see “The Nativity Story.” Much of the film is more understated and muted than the typical church Christmas celebration and may challenge some of the holier-than-thou notions we have of some of the Biblical characters. It film also lacks Santa Clause, reindeer and any remnant of snow. But it’s…

Ever dreamed of spending Saturday night with two rabbis? Who hasn’t? Rabbi Irwin Kula and Rabbi Brad Hirschfield of the National Center for Jewish Learning and Leadership are launching “Intelligent Talk Radio,” in Portland, Oregon this week The rabbis will spend a midnight hour each week tackling compelling and engaging topics about the American spiritual,…

Every season, The Real World lets us into the lives of seven strangers “picked to live in a house, work together and have their lives taped to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.” But what happens when the people who stop being polite are Christian? On the season…

Twenty-eight years was a long time to wait for a new album from Yusuf Islam. Back in the 1970s, the artist (then known to the world as Cat Stevens) won over audiences with pop hits like “Wild, Wild, World,” “Peace Train,” and other folk-inspired songs. His recently released album, “An Other Cup,” vaguely remembers that…

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