Nine chapters into NBC’s new drama “Heroes” and I’m utterly hooked. “Heroes” is reminiscent of X-Men, revolving around individuals all over the world who discover that they have special and occasionally frightening powers. The last several episodes revolved around a rather cryptic yet humorous command: “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World,” a task taken up…

Advertise any film as a mixture of romance, science, and fantasy, and I’ll come running, no further questions. And so it was with ‘The Fountain,’ directed by Darren Aronofsky (‘Pi, ‘Requiem for a Dream’), starring Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman (both favorites of mine). This movie weaves three stories together: One “reality-based,” a second that…

Kirk Franklin just won the American Music Award in the Contemporary Inspirational category, adding to his crowded shelf of Gospel Music Association Dove Awards and Gospel Grammys. Yay, Kirk! In fact, his fellow nominees in the categories are very deserving in themselves: Casting Crowns and Aly & AJ. What none of these artists deserve is…

In the beginning, there was TLC’s Shalom in the Home, starring well-known rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Now, prepare for television to bring another rabbi into your home–in this case, Rabbi Irwin Kula, whose new national public television special, “The Hidden Wisdom of Our Yearnings with Irwin Kula,” represents an attempt to help people use Jewish wisdom…

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