The HBO documentary “Thin” aired last night, telling the story of four women struggling with anorexia and bulimia. A film directed by Laura Greenfield (also the author of “Girl Culture”), “Thin” introduces viewers to Shelly, a nurse who has been in and out of clinics many times; Polly, a photographer also with many prior experiences…

Do we control our future? Or is everything that happens to us decided by fate? If there is a creator, do we have a dynamic or static relationship with him–or her? Such deep, philosophical questions don’t seem like the stuff of a Will Ferrell movie, but his latest flick, “Stranger Than Fiction,” will surprise many…

The “Bachelor: Rome” has taken a page out of “The Real World’s” playbook, and it may result in a fairy tale ending. The producers upped the ante this year by finding an actual prince, Prince Lorenzo Borghese–ancestor of Pope Paul V and heir to the Borghese cosmetics fortune–for the ladies to fight over. But unlike…

While I understand why so many critics gush about the talent of writer/producer Aaron Sorkin, last night’s episode of “Studio 60” was a blatant reminder to me that this show is quite possibly more about Sorkin working out his personal issues than it is about examining a culture war. In the second part of a…

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