When I was younger, I had heard tell of the Golem, but only truly became acquainted with the legend thanks to the “Kaddish” episode of “The X-Files,” in which the legendary clay monster of Jewish folklore is brought forth to revenge a hate crime in modern day Brooklyn. Now, the Golem’s back on FOX and…

American Hindus can rejoice that their most important festival, Diwali, has finally gotten a nod from pop culture. Last night on NBC’s “The Office,” chatty Kelly invited her colleagues to a party for Diwali, which she described as a festival that’s “awesome” and “really old.” Bossman Michael’s ostentatious but always off-target political correctness was in…

“South Park” creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker seem to live by Abbie Hoffman’s famous saying that “sacred cow makes the tastiest hamburger.” Last night’s episode featured the controversial topic of teaching evolution in public schools. The kids’ teacher, Ms. Garrison (who was Mr. Garrison until a sex-change operation last season) refused to teach evolution,…

While the controversial documentary “Jesus Camp” has inspired plenty of criticism and little box office success, the film has had one significant impact for the director of the camp depicted in the film, Becky Fisher: The camp, Kids on Fire, is temporarily shut down. Fisher has been running her camp at a site in Devils…

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