Say “Idi Amin,” and the response will almost certainly be vehement, a furious reference to the thousands killed or a whole-hearted endorsement of the changes he wrought on Uganda in the 1970s and ’80s. You’ll find a more balanced point of view in “The Last King of Scotland,” adapted from Giles Foden’s novel by screenwriter…

Anyone who has tried Anusara yoga has most likely experienced the “what-the-heck-is-going-on moment”–a state of confusion and panic, which occurs when the instructor and students sing an unpronounceable Sanskrit chant in the beginning (and end) of class. (Anusara yogis refer to said chant as “the invocation.”) But thanks to a combined effort by some top…

“Do you think God loves football?” Well, if you live in fictional Dillon, Texas, where almost everyone worships God and football–not always in that order–then the answer is, obviously, yes. NBC celebrates the unique sports culture of small-town America, where sports and faith are often seen hand-in-hand every Friday night, in the new football drama…

After three weeks, here’s my spin on “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip:” It’s about redemption. And it’s awesome. Aaron Sorkin has long been successful in creating compelling and entertaining investigations into the humanity of characters who inhabit noble roles. “A Few Good Men,” “The American President,” and “The West Wing” all took us to…

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